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Customer Service Performance Below Customer Expectations & Competitor Capability

Before launching into corrective action, you must determine the true root cause of your customer service failures. You need to respond in a formal and structured way​ and causes may be any number of internal & external factors such as:​

Poor demand forecasting and/or demand monitoring​

Production instability due to poor planning or execution of plan​

Management overrides on prioritising customers and/or product lines​


You can tell if Customer Service Performance is below Customer expectations and is a problem as you will regularly see:

• Missed despatch and / or delivery dates

• Quality failures (internal or reported by customer)

• Order quantity short or undesirable split shipments

• Lead time failures

• Don’t have reliable systems, processes and data to give customers valid ship & delivery dates

•Warehouse errors such as errors in on hand and available quantity, storage location, batch / lot / serial number, etc

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