My mission is to assist companies in maximising results utilising structured planning systems to meet or exceed overall company objectives​.
Planning systems typically reside within the umbrella of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) computer- based systems​.
Less formal processes and data may exist within non-integrated systems and /or be spreadsheet based​.
What I Offer
ERP Offering
High level familiarisation with your current mode of operation and performance​​
Detailed review of current processes, system use and performance ​​
Software Review / Selection Guidance​​
Implementation Planning​
- People (Education & Training)​
- Processes​
- Technology & Tools​​
Implementation/Transition Guidance​​
ERP Operating Guidance​​
Measuring Performance​​
On-going Diagnostic​​
Delivering Benefits​​
Continuous Improvement​
Detailed Level Specialisations:​
In addition to over-arching ERP, client companies often need quite detailed assistance in the following areas:​
Data integrity throughout entire ERP system​​
Bills of material design & management​​
Performance measurement definition​​
Planning Parameter establishment, use and review
Identifying, prioritising & eliminating the causes of failures and / or errors​​
Software configuration and use​​
Software improvisation versus modification​
Let's Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working together.